Rage at Dawn. 1955

April 25, 2016

rage-at-dawn-poster (1)

Is Edgar Buchanan in every Western, or just the best thing in it?

Neat story with my Forrest Tucker as a bad guy.  Randolph Scott shows up way late in this, like near the 30 minute mark.

Silver City. 1951.

April 21, 2016

Silver City

It’s ALL Edgar Buchanan ALL the time over here at Charles Starrett blog!

Abilene Town. 1946

April 18, 2016

Abilene town

Randolph Scott ruling, of course.  Ann Dvorak nifty, of course.

But Edgar Buchanan is perhaps more perfect than usual, if that’s possible.

Great bit with Scott’s horse silently following him as he tours the town in the moments before the final shoot out.

Another fairly sleepy movie with a great ending.  Saloons on one side of Texas Road, and Commerce on the other.  Violent end to stalemate, engineered by Scott.  Somehow Pro-Union with the Lloyd Bridges as the organizer of the homesteaders.  Troubling portrayal of money-obsessed shop-owner.